
Hi, I am Dr. Kevin Schaal, Software Developer and Architect in the C# .NET universe. I had the pleasure of working on many interesting and challenging topics ranging from astrophysics and computational geometry to search engines and indexes. Moreover, I am interested in software architecture and clean code. My mission with M31 Coding is to share my knowledge and expertise in the form of open source code and programming courses. You may find more information below.

Happy Coding!
- Kevin

Kevin Schaal

For learners

"Software eats the World". Programming is clearly a valuable skill to learn. For me it is far more than that. If taught in a compelling way it can be a lot of fun and serve as your daily dose of intellectual stimulation. I offer live C# programming courses for different levels (German). You may find more information on my course page: education.m31coding.de.

For developers

"Help developers, help people". I help developers solve their problems by providing code and libraries. Writing open source is close to my heart, it is a powerful way to transfer knowledge and make a difference. My libraries are published under the MIT license and may be found on GitHub: github.com/m31coding.

Libraries Blog